The Real Reason Why You’re Waking Up Tired

Ugh, is it morning already??? 

If you’re the type of person who wakes up feeling groggy and exhausted, there is an explanation. Actually, there are several reasons why you might feel so tired, even after getting a solid amount of sleep. 

1. Your bedroom is too dark 

You may love sleeping in utter darkness, but your beloved blackout curtains could be the culprit of your tiredness. If no daylight can seep through your windows, your internal clock won’t know day from night. Exposure to sunshine in the morning will signal your brain that it’s time to wake up and help you feel more refreshed. 

2. Late-night technology 

We know it’s hard to disconnect from the world, but all that harsh blue light from your TV, laptop, and phone stimulates the brain and makes it difficult to settle down before bed. Try to shut off your technology about an hour before going to sleep. If you really can’t do that, at least power down your phone. You can save your Instagram scrolling for the next day. 

3. Too many distractions

If you live in a busy city, it may be difficult to tune out the honking cars and barking dogs at night. Being woken up in the middle of the night will cause you to feel extra tired the next day. In order to eliminate some of those distractions, invest in a white noise machine or keep a fan on low to down out any of the sounds that may wake you. Outdoor noises can only be silenced so much, but you do have total control over what’s inside your house. Make sure to fix that running toilet of yours and put your phone on silent, as a 2 AM text notification could definitely interrupt your slumber. 

4. All that coffee 

It is recommended to stop drinking caffeinated beverages by mid-afternoon or earlier. Caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin – the chemical that sends us to sleep, and drinking a bunch of coffee during the day will negatively effect your sleep patterns. Besides keeping you awake, caffeine can also cause heartburn, which can make sleep awfully uncomfortable. 

5. The food you ate 

A healthy lifestyle leads to healthier sleep, specifically your diet. Foods high in sugar, fat, and processed carbs have been associated with daytime sleepiness. You should also avoid foods that cause indigestion, acid reflux, or heartburn such as spicy foods, tomato sauce, or citrus fruits. Heartburn is exacerbated when you lie down as it allows the acid to creep up into the esophagus and burn the sensitive lining. 

6. You are actually not a morning person 

According to science, there are morning people and night people, and it has to do with your circadian system. The circadian system is a region of 20,000 nerve cells that keeps your body on schedule throughout the day, regulating everything from hormone levels to when you feel tired. Some people are “phase advanced,” meaning they feel tired early in the evening. Others are “phase delayed,” meaning you don’t feel tired until late at night. Even though not being a morning person is your biology, you can hack the system. Sticking to a regimented sleep schedule and avoiding light before bed will help you feel tired earlier and make mornings easier. 

To sum it all up, a good night’s sleep isn’t just about the amount of shuteye you get. You need to sleep in a quality environment conducive for sleep. This means parting the blinds up for some sunlight, turning off your devices, limiting your caffeine intake, and eating well. Another way to get your best rest? Sleep on the Eight Smart Mattress. You’ll see the difference in the morning! 

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